Meilleurs Combats Dragon Ball Z

TOP 10 Best Fights in Dragon Ball

Many of the most iconic fights in Dragon Ball weren't the best, but left a lasting impact and important meaning in the arc and tone of the overall series. 💥

The Dragonball saga must also have one of the most enduring visibility in the world of manga and anime, first introduced in 1984 and still standing more than 35 years later. In fact, you could even say that it's one of the most important anime/mangas in history. And besides, much of the importance of Akira Toriyama's series comes from its incredibly impressive fights . 🥊

Fight scenes have long been a staple of the saga to the point where fans could even see small vestiges of its influence in other anime. With this in mind, fans are therefore logically wondering what are the best fights in the history of the franchise. Not necessarily the most incredible, but those who left an impact and a unique taste to this series. Let’s discover them without further delay in this TOP 10! ✨


Majin Boo vs Majin Vegeta

While Majin Vegeta's fight against Boo isn't as memorable or as exciting as his rematch with Goku that took place just before, this fight has more importance in Vegeta's overall arc. Since the end of the Frieza Saga , Vegeta has fought on the good side without truly answering or redeeming himself for his past crimes. 💀

This changed when Vegeta briefly returned to the dark side during the Boo Saga , only to selflessly decide to sacrifice his life to save his wife, his son, and even Goku. Although his sacrifice turned out to be in vain, his redemption arc was ultimately achieved and completed. He really became a good guy. 👍🏻

Majin Vegeta T-Shirt


Goku vs Beerus

There are many reasons why this fight between Goku and Beerus is important. On one hand, it was the first big fight fans saw in Dragon Ball Super and, therefore, the first true canonical Dragon Ball fight fans had in over 20 years. This fight also introduced the concept of Super Saiyan God . 🔥

On a related note, this is a rare situation where Goku loses a fight. This isn't the first fight the Z-Fighter has lost in the franchise, nor the last, but it was the first time in a long time that even Earth's Mightiest Hero has given up and taken a little rest . The anime helped build suspense for future battles , adding uncertainty to each journey while adding character development for Goku in his drive to become stronger. 💪🏻


Goku vs Kid Boo

A long and exhausting Boo Saga had finally reached its conclusion, as did Dragon Ball Z as it marked the final battle in the series' history. Long before Dragon Ball Super or Dragon Ball GT (now non-canon) was even considered an idea, it was expected that this would be the last Dragon Ball content fans would get. 🎁

Fortunately, the show ended on a high note by delivering one of the most epic and grandest battles in franchise history. Even in his Super Saiyan 3 form, Goku couldn't beat Boo alone as he needed one last Spirit Bomb with the help of Vegeta, Hercules and the entire universe at his side to finally defeat the big bad. final. 💥


Goki vs Piccolo Daimao

The original Dragon Ball series was much lighter than its fighting spree in the Z saga, but that all changed at the end of the series when Demon King Piccolo Daimao was introduced. During his saga, Krillin was murdered in his honor - as was Chaozu - and he even ensured that Shenron would bite the dust after granting his wish for a young body. 🐉

For the first time in franchise history, the stakes are as serious as they are high. Long before Goku became infinitely superpowered, there was doubt whether our child hero could save the day this time around. This set the stage for how future fights in the franchise were developed and choreographed. 🥊


Goku vs. Piccolo

Now let's fast forward a few years later - which is important in itself for giving the franchise its first major time jump that leads directly into Dragon Ball Z - when a now-adult Goku enters the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament . The latest Dragon Ball saga introduced King Piccolo's son, who enters the tournament with the sole purpose of killing Goku. 💀

By defeating Piccolo and winning the tournament, Goku spares Piccolo's life. The two agree to go their separate ways in hopes of becoming stronger for an inevitable rematch years later. The rematch never came, because instead Piccolo spent the Saiyan Saga carrying out a redemption arc that firmly recontextualized the Demon King's son as a hero. 👑

DBZ Crystal Balls Keychain


Goku & Piccolo vs. Raditz

A sequel must do two important things in following up its predecessor: raise the stakes and change the status quo. Which Dragon Ball Z didn't waste any time doing either. The stakes were raised by revealing that Goku had a brother, and that they were both aliens from another planet, which introduced the concept of Saiyans and forced Goku to team up with his rival Piccolo to beat Raditz .

The story took a shocking turn when at the end of the battle, not only is the main character killed, but the remaining heroes have to expect even stronger aliens to arrive in 1 year. And that was only the first 2 issues of the manga ! 📖


Trunks vs. King Cold

Trunks ' debut in the series saw him decimate both Frieza and King Cold. On the surface, rather than creating an epic battle, the fight did more to establish Trunks' strength by having him face off against his father in the previous saga, but the significance is greater than most realize. ⌛

When Goku first became a Super Saiyan, he was introduced as if he - as a " Legendary Super Saiyan " - was the only one who could achieve this form. Trunks was the first to prove that all Saiyans could achieve this form, paving the way for people like Vegeta and Gohan to achieve it, which would become substantial for future storylines. 🔥


Vegeta vs. Goku

If two fighters were destined to go there forever, it would be Goku and Vegeta . And we are obviously talking about battles and epic fights ! As complete enemies originally, their relationship helped define the series for many years to come, and it all started with their first fight in the mountains. 🗻

Not only was this the first DBZ fight to span virtually an entire season of episodes (setting the stage for future battles to follow suit) , Vegeta's loss furthered his decades-long obsession with wanting to surpass Goku in terms of power. , and beat him one day. a great revenge on life and a great lesson in humility for the future! 🤗


Gohan vs Cell

For all the episodes leading up to the Android Saga, the Cell Games were the first time Earth truly felt in danger. It was pretty much always a given in the series, Goku would surely come out on top and save the day, right? And yet, when he essentially lost to his teenage son Gohan against Cell in his place, and then died before Cell could be defeated, there was a real problem! Behind which one could wonder if the Z-Warriors could win without him and how.

Fortunately, Sangohan 's deafening final blow proved for the first time that the land was in safe hands with these shock allies. Gohan would progress to the Super Saiyan 2 stage and therefore introduced the idea that Saiyans could elevate beyond the original Super Saiyan form. The series probably would never have had transformations like SSJ God or SSJ Blue if the beginnings had not been created for the first time thanks to Super Saiyan 2, then later thanks to SSJ3. 🤩


Goku vs Frieza

Above all, this fight is important because the iconic image of a Super Saiyan was introduced. The concept and iconography behind the Super Saiyan form is so essential to the DBZ franchise that it's hard to imagine what it would look like if Goku had never transformed! 😯

Beyond the simple introduction of this transformation thanks to the emblematic fight of Goku vs. Frieza , it is also a great first in terms of length. With 18 consecutive episodes and approximately 4 hours of fighting (although it only lasts 5 minutes in the story), Goku vs. Frieza was once the longest individual battle in anime history before recently being surpassed by Luffy vs Katakuri on One Piece.

Ultimate Frieza Figure
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