Transformations Vegeta

All of Vegeta's Transformations

Vegeta , the prince of all Saiyans, has often played second fiddle in the Dragon Ball saga, at the expense of the beloved Goku. It's a shame, because the genocidal villain/space pirate turned hero (or anti-hero) has as many fans, or even more, than the idiot (and terrible father) who claims the role of character main. While Vegeta apparently never managed to defeat his eternal rival in terms of raw power, he never gave up and never forgot who he is and where he came from. 👑

So we thought it was high time to sing the praises of this Saiyan royalty, working hard throughout the episodes while prioritizing his myriad of boundary-pushing transformations. We chose the Dragon Ball Z sagas, Super and a few films to round out our list, and we also included fusions since, technically, Vegeta benefited from them for a good part of the series. 🎥

Vegeta, in his incessant quest to surpass Goku, has gone through many stages throughout the saga, so let's discover without further delay all of Vegeta's Transformations , from the most embarrassing to the one that rivals the gods!

14. VEKU


Vegeta's weakest form by far is that of Veku . In Movie 12: Resurrection of the Fusion , Goku and Vegeta come face to face with the villain Janemba , a purely evil entity born from the malice extracted from souls on their way to Hell in the afterlife. After Janemba fights against Goku's Super Saiyan 3 form, our heroes decide that the only method that can defeat this demonic foe would be fusion. 💥

Vegeta, after swallowing his pride, allows himself to participate in the awkward dance required to create a hybrid warrior, but fails to perform it with precision, resulting in a botched fusion with astonishing results, to say the least. ... And for good reason ! Instead of becoming an extremely powerful warrior, Goku and Vegeta become Veku, a chubby abomination who can barely stand. 🐽

And to top it off, it occasionally releases gases that even the noseless Janemba finds nauseating. That said, we must give back to Caesar what is Caesar's, and we are impressed by Veku's dependence and ability to hit the fearsome Janemba - a blow that did nothing, yes, but a blow nonetheless.


Vegeta Oozaru

When a tailed Saiyan is exposed to the moon, his body undergoes a massive transformation where he increases dramatically in size and, exactly as his name suggests, he transforms into a Giant and violent Ape, form more commonly known as Oozaru whose the power is increased tenfold. To achieve this, the Saiyans only have to look at the full moon or, if there is none, create an artificial one to reflect the necessary radiation.

For ordinary Saiyans, such as Goku , Gohan , and Bardock , transforming into a Great Ape means sacrificing one's autonomy and clarity of mind, much like Bruce Banner when he transforms into the Hulk. 🟢 In these destructive forms, the gargantuan Saiyans went on an uncontrolled rampage, destroying everything in sight until the transformation was complete. However, for an elite like Vegeta, this form did not mean losing self-control, as he remained fully conscious in this state, retaining many of his human form's abilities, which made him all the more dangerous. 💥

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Super Saiyan Vegeta

For most of the Namek and Frieza sagas, Vegeta was on a quest to become the " Legendary Super Saiyan ", a form achieved only once, centuries ago, by a long-deceased Saiyan who could barely contain his extreme power, even destroying the planet he obtained it on. Vegeta will come to believe that he has acquired this overwhelming strength, but will soon discover that he is not even close to it and, to add insult to injury, it will be his hated rival, Goku, who will be the first to achieve this form in a millennium. ⏳

But that won't stop Vegeta, who will eventually obtain the Super Saiyan form. In this form, Vegeta is immensely powerful, perhaps even more so than Goku. For a very long time in Dragon Ball Z, it seemed like the Super Saiyan form was the ultimate achievement, and Vegeta's prowess with this form had delivered on that promise. Alas, it is ranked so far down on our list because new forms will appear later in the saga.


Super Vegeta

During the Cell Saga , Vegeta and Trunks participated in extensive training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in order to push the limits of their Super Saiyan forms in hopes of crushing the Junior Cells . Their training paid off and the two were able to create an impressive new form. Although she was not completely transcended, she pushed the concept of the initial Super Saiyan to new frontiers. 🛣

Nicknamed " Ascended Saiyan " or " Super Vegeta ", our favorite prince forces the power of the Super Saiyan to increase his muscle mass exponentially, which gives him the physique of a body-built giant. His hair becomes slightly paler, spikier, and his power is at least three times that of a Super Saiyan. 👱‍♂️


Vegeta Super Saiyan 3

This form may shock many of you. In fact, one of the biggest jokes among Dragon Ball fans is that Vegeta is so far behind Goku that he would have to skip stages such as the Super Saiyan God or Super Saiyan 3 forms in order to keep up. While this is generally true (and quite funny, we admit) , Vegeta managed to obtain the Super Saiyan 3 form under unusual conditions. We're keeping it at the bottom of the list due to its lack of canonicity and its relationship to the main franchise.

It was in the Japan-only arcade fighting game Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Battlers that Vegeta's Super Saiyan 3 form made its debut. But more recently, this form (and its multiple variations) has become a featured card in the popular mobile game, Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle . It is in fact in this game, a mixture of board games, card collection and puzzle coupled with an RPG , that this form of the Saiyan Prince is most often represented . 🃏


Vegeta God

Dragon Ball Super has had many problems. Much of the series was riddled with inconsistent characters and terrible animation, while the stories moved at a snail's pace. Fortunately, these concerns were rectified but there was still one major problem: the absurd scaling of power. By the end of Dragon Ball Z, it became difficult to believe that the characters could become stronger than they already were, and that villains could stand up to them. ⚔

Barely after being able to digest the Buu saga , Super asks us to believe that a pink-haired Goku is somehow capable of taking on a god and that Frieza, after training for several months, could rival this same power. So what does this have to do with the "god-like Saiyan" form? 😇

In short, this form allows Vegeta to exploit his advantages without fully activating the divine Ki that triggers his Super Saiyan Blue form . So why is such an immense power so rarely on the list? It's simple : it's difficult to measure what this form is capable of, while it's certainly powerful, it's barely proven compared to the other Transformations in the list below. 📜


Vegeta Super Saiyan 2

Unlike the "Ascended Saiyan" form, Super Saiyan 2 doesn't just push the boundaries of what Super Saiyan is. Rather, it's a unique and much more effective transformation, one that Gohan pioneered. Surpassed by Kakarot and now by his son, Vegeta therefore devoted himself to even more extreme and intense training in order to reach the true second level of the Super Saiyan lineage. 💪

Sign of a lean physique, longer and spikier hair, then a lightning bolt emerging from the yellow aura (the mark of a Super Saiyan transformation) , Vegeta's speed and power were able to increase exponentially. . In DBS, enraged by Beerus slapping his beloved Bulma , Vegeta explodes into a raging SSJ2. The potential of SSJ2, at this point, surpasses everything on the list so far.

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Majin Vegeta

Vegeta may be fans' favorite anti-hero these days, but when he debuted in Dragon Ball Z, he was anything but. As a merciless mercenary, Vegeta is responsible for the extinction of countless civilizations and trillions of lives. 🌍 With Earth as his next target, he was fortunately stopped by Goku and his crew, and after the Namek and Frieza sagas, he abandoned his bad habits and reluctantly joined the good guys. This doesn't mean the evil in his heart is gone, however, and Babidi took the opportunity to cast a spell on Vegeta, transforming him into his Majin , or Demon Prince, form.

It's essentially the Super Saiyan 2 form on steroids, with Vegeta's latent evil mixed with Babidi 's spell causing his potential to be unlocked and released. In addition to the dramatic improvement in his natural strength, Vegeta is now able to harness supernatural powers, including incredible survival abilities, such as surviving severe injuries, healing better, and regenerating. He also has an unlimited stamina reserve.

And then there is his final explosion. When Vegeta was finally able to realize that the evil within him had once again taken over, he determined that the best way for him to atone for his sins was to sacrifice himself and (hopefully) take Buu with him . . The final explosion saw an absolutely incredible blast of energy from deep within Vegeta that destroyed him and part of Buu.

If you want to know more about this form... Discover our guide to Majin Vegeta !


Processed Vegeto

As we all know, Vegeto is the merged form of Goku and Vegeta when they wear Old Kai 's sacred earrings (the Potara) . This form is extremely powerful but it's not the one we wanted to talk about right now. No, we're going to focus on the time Vegeto found himself turned into candy. 🍬

Majin Buu 's most unique trait, aside from his bubblegum appearance, is his ability to turn his opponents into chocolate or candy. When he attacked Vegeto , he too was transformed into candy. However, what Buu failed to understand was that it was the " strongest candy in the world ", proof of Vegeto's immense power, being literally a consumable did not did little to diminish the overwhelming potential within him, and Buu quickly learned that the hard way.

The pink monster therefore found himself outmatched by the candy Végéto, who embarrassed the villain every time. The beating became so despicable and humiliating that Buu was forced to reverse the candy aisle to make it all stop. A strange episode to say the least! 😜


Vegeto When Vegeto was turned into candy by Majin Buu, he still managed to beat him. The situation got so bad that Buu had to reverse the transformation to escape the wrath of this belligerent candy. If Buu, Dragon Ball Z 's most powerful villain, could be made a fool of by a candy, then you can imagine how powerful that candy would be in its true form. 🍬

Using the Potara Earrings , Goku and Vegeta fused to form the ultra-powerful Vegeto. Unlike the form the two create with the Fusion Dance, Vegeto's form has no time limit. The most intriguing element of Vegeto's base form is that he already appears superior to Super Buu . Even testing his new body, he managed to dominate this powerful villain. 🔥



Mentioned in our Ranking of Dragon Ball Z Special Edition films , in Film 12: Resurrection of the Fusion , a demonic entity takes control of the Other World, changing the laws of life and death. Goku and Vegeta must team up to defeat this powerful enemy, but they can't do anything against this monster. Risking everything, the two attempted a fusion dance ... Which was failed because of Vegeta. They transformed into Veku (form in 1st place in our ranking) . 🤔

When the two finally did the dance correctly, they would create Gogeta , a force that was the opposite of Veku, and which would prove to be almost the strongest form the Saiyan prince had ever taken. Blessed with brutal power and speed that can't even be calculated, Gogeta is the work of Janemba who, just moments ago, had beaten Goku's Super Saiyan 3 form. 💥

Gogeta's final move, the Stardust Breaker , is just as effective and powerful as the wielder, it transformed Janemba into stardust, as if he had never existed. Gogeta's power is easily one of Vegeta's most powerful forms, a fact he certainly loves, but probably hates to admit since he will only be able to achieve this Transformation by doing a dance with Son Goku exclusively. 🕺


Vegeta Super Saiyan Blue

When Goku literally elevated himself to godhood (even if it was temporary) during the Battle of the Gods, it was a real moment of shame for Vegeta. After sacrificing his pride by singing and dancing to the abominable bingo song, he was forced to watch as his rival rose to a level of power on a god-level scale. So why Kakarot? Why him and not the prince of all Saiyans? 🤔

After this moment, Vegeta dedicated himself to training with Whis and was able to unlock the ability to dive into divine ki. While we never saw him become the pink-haired Super Saiyan God that Goku became, we did see him become Super Saiyan Blue. In this state, Vegeta could easily compete against any of the previous transformations on this list, even against Super Vegeto. 💥

Most opponents (other than supremely powerful entities and/or immortal beings) collapse after a few hits, so her power is unquestionable, but she has one fatal flaw: the use of power. Maintaining the Super Saiyan Blue Transformation greatly depletes the user's stamina. He can perform incredible attacks and displays of extreme power, but it can only be used sparingly, lest you find yourself drained and vulnerable. 😫


Vegeto Super Saiyan Blue

In the saga of Future Trunks in Dragon Ball Super, the timeline, constantly in danger, is attacked again. But not by androids, bio-mechanical monsters, or even Majin Buu. This time, it is the gods themselves who strike humanity. The corrupt Supreme Kai, Zamasu , and a Zamasu from another universe who stole Goku's body, decide that mortals must be eliminated. They almost succeed on Earth, easily defeating Future Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks, especially after the two gods merge into one.

Fortunately, Goku and Vegeta are also divine, and they too have merged. Going far beyond "Super Vegeto", they activated their divine ki and became Super Saiyan Blue, easily becoming the most powerful mortal in their universe (and likely many others). So why is this seemingly perfect shape only ranked second?


Vegeto Gogeta Potaras

On the one hand, the overwhelming power escaping from this supreme being places enormous pressure on the Potara Earrings , causing what should be a near-permanent fusion to dissipate after an hour. 💎



Second, they were unable to destroy their virtually immortal enemy. Despite their best efforts against the half-invincible Fused Zamasu , they failed to land a fatal blow. 🔪

While they surely could have claimed victory in the Tournament of Power using this form, they simply failed to defeat Fused Zamasu due to the weaknesses mentioned above.


So what makes Super Saiyan Blue Evolved (or divine) , the form Vegeta takes when he destroys and breaks his limits, superior to Super Saiyan Blue Vegeto? Besides the fact that he does not have the weaknesses of this form, the Super Saiyan Blue Evolved is the perfect amalgam of what Vegeta is, the prince of all Saiyans. 👑 It's finally a level that only he has reached, it's his own form.

Taking everything that defined him, such as his pain, his Saiyan identity, his drive, his rivalry with Goku , and most importantly, his pride, Vegeta rises beyond Super Saiyan Blue to become a person of absolute uniqueness. . He's incredibly powerful and did something even Goku didn't do: he defeated a god.

When Toppo made his choice to become a God of Destruction, he was imbued with the energy of destruction, causing his power to skyrocket to a level that likely rivals that of Beerus. Although he was certainly not a master of this new form, and was forbidden from destroying his opponents, he was still a literal God of Destruction. However, Vegeta opposed him. Not only did Vegeta oppose Toppo , but his Evolved form surpassed that of the Destroyer. We hope Beerus was paying attention, because if Vegeta's new form can destroy one of Beerus' fellow heroes, we can only wonder if he'll be next.

Vegeta's Transformations

There you go, now you know everything about all of Vegeta's most powerful Transformations ! We have deliberately omitted the Dragon Ball GT saga (including many transformations as well as the essential Super Saiyan 4 form of Vegeta and Gogeta) for the sake of length and canonicity. But if you want us to come back and tell you about Vegeta's adventures in this series, don't hesitate to tell us in the comments young saiyan, your wishes may be granted if they are heard by Shenron ! 🐲

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