Roi Vegeta

King Vegeta - Dragon Ball Z

Are you here to learn more about King Vegeta, the supreme leader of the Saiyan people? So don't move, you're in the right place!

In this guide we will study King Vegeta, emblematic figure of the Saiyan race. He is the father of Prince Vegeta and Prince Tarble.

King Vegeta (ベジータ王), or his real title Vegeta III (ベジータ三世), is the supreme leader of the entire Saiyan race and master of planet Vegeta. He is the father of princes Vegeta IV and Tarble. His territory was later annexed by the forces of King Cold but he retained power over his people despite his allegiance to Frieza. He will thus serve the galactic tyrant until the latter decides to massacre them.

In this guide you will discover:

  • A complete biography of the character
  • The detailed history of King Vegeta during his appearances in the series
  • Vegeta's Favorite Attacks
  • Some interesting anecdotes about the King of the Saiyans

Are you ready to start this guide? So let’s get started without further ado! 😀


King Vegeta

King Vegeta has a physique very similar to his son except that he is bearded and has brown hair . However, he stands out from the prince by his large size. Being attached to Frieza 's army , King Vegeta is equipped with traditional combat armor but with some customizations such as the red crest of the royal family on his breastplate. His combat armor is white in color and the ends of his shoulder pads are red. The king is also equipped with a long dark blue and red cape , this being similar to that of the prince when he was a child. He also has a black jumpsuit under his armor as well as blue combat boots . 😎

King Vegeta has a slight change in appearance in the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie. Now drawn with a more recent design, his facial features are much more pronounced and his hair has turned black . His combat armor is black in color and his shoulder pads are gold. He also sports a long red cape . 👌

Unlike its first design, it no longer has the symbol of the royal family on its plastron. Another difference is that he wears a tight-fitting dark blue jumpsuit under his combat armor. King Vegeta has a gold necklace with blue crystals, black wrist guards and white combat boots. His monkey tail is wrapped around his waist.

King Vegeta DBZ


King Vegeta is a symbol of Saiyan pride . Highly respected by his people, he is an intelligent, calm, balanced and self-confident man. His great intelligence is described by King Kaio . During his reign, he was a ruthless commander and ruled his army with an iron fist. The king found pleasure in the defeat of his adversaries and he instilled his favorite values ​​in his son. Vegeta occasionally took the prince to certain battles in order to teach him military values ​​and abilities . 💪

As supreme leader of the Saiyans, he has finally accepted being ruled by Frieza but tries not to show this sign of submission to his people.

King Vegeta is a proud, arrogant warrior with a certain undisguised cruelty. He also has a paranoid attitude which is notably demonstrated in the film Dragon Ball Z: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan . Indeed, when he learned of Broly's abnormally high potential, he immediately requested the latter's execution. The baby's power level was 10,000 units and the king was afraid that he could one day overthrow the royal family. 👊

vegeta t shirt

In the Dragon Ball Super film, King Vegeta is jealous of Broly 's power but decides in this version to exile him to the planet Vampas in order to get rid of him. The future finally proved the king of the Saiyans right because Broly, whose power never stopped increasing, ended up competing with the God of Destruction . Son Goku and Prince Vegeta had to merge in order to overcome it. 🤞

We can thus see that the temperament and character of King Vegeta differ depending on the first film and the new one. The former king being much more ruthless with his wish to immediately execute Broly upon his birth.

In Dragon Ball Super, King Vegeta explained to Paragus , Broly's father, that his son could prove to be a threat to the Saiyan people and that it was best to exile him. Paragus quickly realized that this was a lie and deduced that the king was jealous of Broly's power and that his power could surpass that of the prince. 😅

It turns out that of the two versions, the one from Dragon Ball Super was a wiser decision because the attempted execution of Broly had driven the latter crazy , thus transforming him into a Legendary Super Saiyan.

Broly Saiyan

It is interesting that shortly before his death, Paragus still realized that King Vegeta was right about Broly's uncontrollable power and the danger he posed to the universe.

Just like Prince Vegeta, the king is presented as a proud and arrogant warrior but he is still forced to swallow his pride when he finds himself facing opponents much more powerful than him such as Frieza or the God of Destruction .

In addition to being known for his greed, King Vegeta is renowned for being ruthless towards his servants and subjects. This is particularly well demonstrated when he executes one of his messengers who came to bring him bad news. Proud of his great power and that of his son, he also wanted to instill in his son the elitist values ​​linked to his class. 🥇

As he appears, we learn from the king that he does not tolerate disobedience and that he does not hesitate to show cruelty in order to maintain power on planet Vegeta . However, this is more than common behavior among the Saiyans and it does not bother the people who appreciate the power and violence of the king . A good Saiyan understands the importance of being ruthless in order to maintain a leadership position.

King Vegeta Dragon Ball Z

Despite his harsh and cold side, the king took very good care of the education of his son Vegeta . On the other hand, faced with the great weakness of his second son and the shame that the latter brought him, the king ended up banishing him instead of directly executing him. We can thus see that despite his cruelty, the king's ruthless character has its limits. 🤔

It was at this time that the king taught Vegeta that Saiyan children with a much too low power level were sent to other planets in order to devastate them and thus gain experience. Unlike the prince who swears by the superiority of the elite class , the king is however more tolerant and is convinced that even a lower class warrior can become very powerful with time and training. This is exactly what happened to Son Goku on Earth, which proves King Vegeta right . Goku has indeed over time managed to surpass the level of Prince Vegeta and even surpass the great Frieza. 😮

It is interesting to note, however, that despite this opinion, the King is convinced that the legend of the Super Saiyan is real and that only a warrior with a high level of power is capable of becoming one in the future. This is why he is convinced that Prince Vegeta, Broly or himself have high enough potential to claim this feat. This theory obviously turned out to be completely false because it was Goku, the son of Bardock and Gine , who managed to become a Super Saiyan first, well before Prince Vegeta.

Bardock and Gine


Almost all information about King Vegeta comes from the anime. He became a prominent character during the time when the Tsuful people and the Saiyans lived together on the planet Plant . 🌕

In the year 720, the powerful Saiyan was the first to be intelligent enough to rally all his people to lead them against the Tsufuls in a terrible war that would last a decade.

The conflict ended in the year 730 with a Saiyan victory and the planet Plant and thus renamed planet Vegeta in honor of the king. In the film Dragon Ball Z: The Saiyan Eradication Plan , Doctor Lychee admits to King Vegeta's prodigious cunning and intelligence compared to his peers. 👍

Some time later, the King of the Saiyans ended up discovering the planet of the Demon Kingdom and quickly decided to make it his secret training ground. This great location allowed Vegeta to greatly increase his power.

King Vegeta

Subsequently, Frieza, the Galactic Emperor ended up making contact with the Saiyan people. King Vegeta had no choice but to submit to the emperor due to his great power . He thus pledged allegiance to Frieza and the people were forced to serve the tyrant for many years. In return, Frieza offered the Saiyans space technology and advanced combat equipment. 🛸

We learn that in the year 731, he married a Saiyan who is not named in the story but who will become the Queen of the Saiyans . It was a year later that the king's wife gave birth to Prince Vegeta. The boy's potential was very high when he was born, which immediately piqued Frieza's interest . A few years later, the Queen of the Saiyans gave birth to a second child, Prince Tarble . The latter had a character opposite to his older brother. Of a gentle nature and with relatively low combat potential, Tarble quickly became an embarrassment to the royal family and in order to avoid this embarrassment , King Vegeta immediately exiled his second son. 🧑

Some time later, King Vegeta finally understood that Frieza no longer had the slightest interest in the Saiyan race and he realized the imminent threat weighing on his people. The King then gathers his royal guard and sets off to attack Frieza's flagship with the aim of stopping him and freeing Prince Vegeta who had been captured by the latter.

Vegeta Bodybuilding T Shirt

Once in the main bedroom and facing Frieza, Dodoria and Zarbon , the king's guards are paralyzed by fear and give up the attack. King Vegeta, now alone, gathers his courage and charges the emperor: Frieza dodges the punch and counterattacks with a powerful blow to the jaw, killing the king instantly . The royal guards, shocked by the king's death, are then all pulverized by the emperor with a ki attack. 💀

On the same day a few hours later, Bardock , Son Goku 's father, also tried to stop Frieza by attacking him head-on but died with the rest of the Saiyans during the explosion of planet Vegeta. . King Vegeta and Bardock both died on the same day, thus sharing the fate of the Saiyan race. 😢

Once the planet was pulverized, only the sons of Bardock, Kakarot and Raditz were able to survive the explosion as well as Nappa , all three of whom were elsewhere than on the Saiyan planet. Frieza will pretend that an asteroid is responsible for the destruction of the Saiyan world and will thus be able to convince Prince Vegeta, Nappa and Raditz to continue working for him. It is also good to note that Tarble , the second son of King Vegeta, also survived the catastrophe thanks to his banishment.

Vegeta Nappa Raditz


Frieza mentions King Vegeta in the anime during the Namek saga of Dragon Ball Z. He emphasizes the weakness of the king of the Saiyans and adds that he did not even need to transform to kill him. This does not impress Vegeta, who responds that his own power already exceeded his father's when he was a child . In a scene from the anime, when Son Goku fights against Frieza, the Saiyan then has a vision in which he sees King Vegeta in the company of Vegeta and Bardock . The trio encourages Goku not to give up and to continue the confrontation in order to avenge the Saiyan people. 🤜

King Vegeta makes another appearance in Dragon Ball Super during the God of Destruction Saga. Beerus is busy humiliating and mistreating the King of the Saiyans before ordering him to bring him the most comfortable pillow in Universe 7 . Beerus later reprimanded King Vegeta again for the extreme measures and techniques the Saiyan used in order to find the famous pillow. As the God of Destruction , Beerus might have appreciated Vegeta's methods but did not forgive the fact that he kept the pillow for his own benefit. King Vegeta had indeed offered Beerus a less comfortable pillow . 🤣

King Vegeta Beerus

In order to escape the wrath of the God of Destruction and in order to save his people, King Vegeta finally submitted to Beerus' punishment which forced the latter to forgive him for the affront that had taken place . This act, however, gave Beerus a bad image of King Vegeta, which caused the destructive god to incite Frieza to destroy Planet Vegeta afterwards.

Upon waking up from a nap that lasted thirty-nine years, Beerus asks Whis if Frieza destroyed the planet as agreed. His assistant confirms the emperor's action by affirming that there is not a trace of the Saiyan planet left. Beerus, who absolutely did not care about the fate of this race and even less of King Vegeta, is then satisfied with the news . 😀

A few years later, during Bulma's birthday on Earth, Prince Vegeta suddenly remembers a scene pitting his father against the god of destruction. In the flashback, we can see Vegeta as a child trying to defend his father against the treatment inflicted on him by Beerus. The God of Destruction paralyzes the young prince with a single glance and will later forgive the action due to Vegeta's youth and lack of intelligence. King Vegeta took the punishment in place of his son but this prevented the immediate destruction of the Saiyan planet.

In Dragon Ball GT , we can see King Vegeta during a flashback, when Baby explains to Prince Vegeta the events of the war between the Saiyan race and the Tsuful people. In this short extract, we have the chance to see the king in his Giant Monkey form. 🐵

King Vegeta Oozaru

In the film Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan , King Vegeta appears in a scene, perhaps before rebelling against Emperor Frieza. He is seen ordering Broly's execution due to the latter's abnormally high power at birth. Broly was indeed in the eyes of the king, a potential threat to the royal family and to the universe. Paragus, Broly's father, tries to reason with King Vegeta but the latter executes him using an energy ray . The rebel's remains are thrown into a landfill alongside Broly.

We can quickly see King Vegeta during the movie Battle of Gods . The King is on the ground, Beerus's foot on his head while the latter enjoys a hearty meal. The King of Saiyans attempts to reason with and appease the God of Destruction while Prince Vegeta watches the scene in silence. 💥

King Vegeta makes a new appearance in the Broly movie from Dragon Ball Super . King Cold , having decided to hand over control to his son Frieza, arrives on planet Vegeta to announce the news. King Vegeta is then forced to leave his throne to bow to Frieza. Some time later, he learned of the disproportionate power level of a baby Saiyan named Broly. Fearing that the latter is a threat, the king exiles the child to the planet Vampa and enters into conflict with Paragus. ✨

King Vegeta makes a final appearance in the film The Saiyan Eradication Plan during certain flashbacks which present the war between the Saiyans and the Tsufuls. This is a scene relatively similar to the one already present in Dragon Ball GT during Baby's saga.


King Vegeta Power

King Vegeta leads all the Saiyan people and is the head of the royal family. In the anime, we learn that his power is estimated at around 10,000 units , exactly the same as Bardock. In the Namek saga of Dragon Ball Z, Prince Vegeta states that his own power was already much greater than that of his father when he was a child. 👊

During the film Bardock the Father of Son Goku, the doctors who were working on the Saiyan's injuries claim that Bardock's power will likely soon surpass that of King Vegeta.

The power of the King of the Saiyans, on the other hand, is approximately 100,000 units when he is in his giant ape form. This transformation actually multiplies the user's strength by 10. In this form, King Vegeta is more powerful than the majority of Frieza's elite warriors. His power thus exceeds those of Dodoria, Zarbon and all of the Ginyu Commando with the exception of Ginyu himself who has a power of 120,000 units at his maximum. 💪

According to some authors and guides, King Vegeta is designated as the most powerful Saiyan at the time the genocide took place.

In an interview, Akira Toriyama stated that the majority of Saiyans were low class and that only the King and his son made up the elite class. In Dragon Ball GT, it is stated that King Vegeta was a fine strategist and a good leader.

Vegeta painting


Execution ray : this is a purple energy shot that King Vegeta used in particular to execute one of his soldiers who brought him bad news about the conquest of a planet. He also used this technique against Paragus during the film Broly: Legend of the Super Saiyan.

Fatal Beam : King Vegeta extends the palm of his hand towards his opponent and fires a beam of energy towards his opponent.

Chained waves : this is a succession of several energy attacks fired towards the opponent.

Organic Blaster : The king charges at his enemy and hits him from the side. He then grabs his opponent in the head, follows up with a knee strike and hits him again in the same place. Finally, the king finishes with a powerful wave of purple energy that blasts his opponent. King Vegeta notably used this attack against many of Frieza's minions when boarding the latter's ship.

King Vegeta Dragon Ball

Explosive Wave : This is a destructive purple energy blast with enough power to pulverize one or more planets in a single blast. It is worth noting that this is one of his basic attacks when he is transformed into a giant ape.

Power Ball : King Vegeta has the ability to create a sphere of energy which he then sends into the air in order to create an artificial moon. This technique allows him to transform into a giant ape in order to gain considerable power.

Chou Makouhou : An attack that King Vegeta can use in his giant monkey form. This is a powerful energy shot coming from the mouth. We can see him using this attack during a flashback of Dragon Ball GT during the war between the Saiyans and the Tsufuls.

Chou Makouhou Barrage: This is a burst of rapid fire from several chou makouhous. This is the giant ape's ultimate attack in the video game Budokai Tenckaichi 3.

Super explosive wave: an explosion that destroys everything in the surrounding area within a very large radius. This attack is used in Giant Ape form.

Garrick Super Cannon : A powerful energy shot used with both hands. This attack is well known in the Vegeta family and the king can use it with one hand in his giant ape form.

King Vegeta is able to transform into a giant ape. His battle armor adjusts to his new size and he has full mental control during his transformation.

Saiyan King Vegeta


Discover 4 amazing facts about Vegeta's father! 😀

  • King Vegeta, in his first appearances, appears with dark brown hair . Throughout the films and sagas, he is depicted with black hair . This is probably a correction from the author of the fact that it is specified in the manga that real Saiyans have black hair that does not grow . It is good to note that during his very first appearance, Prince Vegeta was also drawn with brown hair and was later corrected.
  • Although many sources claim otherwise, King Vegeta does not appear in the film Bardock the Father of Son Goku . This is mainly due to the fact that the King of the Saiyans makes numerous appearances during flashbacks throughout the saga. This detail thus generated some confusion regarding the film.
  • In the video game Dragon Ball Z: Burst Limit , an alternate outfit of Prince Vegeta is almost identical to that of his father except for the absence of the royal crest on the breastplate.
  • King Vegeta has a much higher voice in the remastered version of the film: Broly the Legendary Super Saiyan. This change was made because the monarch had a voice that was a little too deep in his first appearances.

King Vegeta Super Saiyan

This is what King Vegeta would look like as a super saiyan.


There you go, you now know everything there is to know about King Vegeta , the supreme leader of the Saiyan people. 👌

We have tried to create as complete a guide as possible and we hope that you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it. Remember that King Vegeta is the symbol of Saiyan pride and that he is very respected by his people.

We will remember from this proud warrior his great courage , particularly when, well aware of his inferiority, he tried alone to defeat Freeza in order to protect his people. 👍

If you are a big fan of Saiyan warriors and you like sport... We invite you to discover this Dragon Ball T-Shirt which honors this incredible race!


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